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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vous Pouvez Apprendre le Creole Haitien avec Skype: You Can Learn Haitian Creole with Skype - Pueden Aprender el Creol Haitiano por Skype

Select Your 1+hour Creole Class Option

Once you have completed the payment, please email us at haitiancreole[at] to inform us and provide us with the following:

Your Full Name:

E-mail address:

Phone Number:

Skype Name/Username: (We will send you a request so you can have our skype name too)

Professional background or area of expertise:

State or country:

Organization you are affiliated with:

How do you plan to be involved in Haiti?

With the advance of technological tools readily available on the Web and through social media, you can learn any foreign languages from the comfort of your home or your office. We are excited about the number of widgets and gadgets at our disposal these days. We are happy that you want to work with us. We want to make sure that we work with you to accommodate your professional schedule. We will do our best to take into consideration the difference in time zones.

A great number of classes are currently offered online. By joining this Haitian Creole language class, you have just added to this number. Remain assured that you are learning the language from a native of the country who has studied in both Haiti and the U.S.A. So, you will get the best of both worlds in terms of comprehension, bicultural understanding and transnational sensitivities.

Thanks for signing up and welcome to WorldWideHaitianCreoleClasses and SakPaseLearnHaitianCreole Now!